Need any music, arts, event
industry assistance
in the USA?

We are a team of Australian industry professionals with a global network and we can ensure your dealings within the USA are risk and worry free.
Need merch stock delivered ahead of your gig? Leave it with us. We can not only liaise with the printers, shippers, designers, but can also make sure items are couriered to their destination.
Need a tour manager from Australia to the USA and a team to meet all your logistical needs when you arrive? We've got you covered.
Have to close a deal with a label, distributor, publisher - our executive staff with over 15years in the industry can be your proxy.
Artist is sick or tour manager misses their flight? No problem, in the time it takes for you to land, we can resolve any logistical issue and get you back on the road. We'll work right to the minute the show opens if it makes sure there's no cancellation or delay.
Can't make SXSW, NAMM, ISPA, APAP this year but could be tour ready should there be interest? You don't have to miss out, we can go and represent you.
Want to just get off the long haul flight and to your album launch? We literally can make this happen - event management is a strength.
There are so many ways to use the kmbA-Team. We are on the ground to take the risk out of long-distance dealings in new and not so new territories. Our service can also work in reverse to ensure any act touring internationally from the US is supported on the ground.
Pricing begins at $25usd easily payable via Transferwise, paypal or venmo which keeps the costs down for all. Contact us on the form provided and we will be back in touch.